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By: Lipp Law LLC

Is There Jail Time Associated With A First Time DUI Arrest And/Or Conviction In Nevada?

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By statute, the punishment for conviction of a first time DUI requires a minimum of two (2) days in the Clark County Detention Center (or in the corresponding City Jail if charged by the cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, etc.).  In practical reality, many persons arrested and charged with DUI will serve anywhere from a handful of hours to a day in jail—first time DUI arrestees with no prior criminal record are often granted an “O.R.,” or an “own recognizance release,” for which no bail must be posted, at the time when their impairment has faded away.  When DUI cases are resolved in Court, more often than not, prosecutors will negotiate in such a way so that credit time served will be granted for any remaining “mandatory” jail time prescribed by statute.

Lipp Law LLC

2580 Sorrel St, Las Vegas, NV 89146

(702) 745-4700