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By: Lipp Law LLC

Challenging a Nevada DUI Field Sobriety Test

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In Nevada, a DUI conviction can result in severe repercussions, such as license suspension, fines, and potential prison time. Law enforcement officers frequently administer field sobriety testing (FST) to drivers suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). This assessment includes various steps, such as the breath test, walking tests, and vehicle-side evaluations. However, mistakes can occur during administering these tests, which may need to be corrected to ensure accurate results. Understanding the potential mistakes made by the police officer or the grounds for challenging the tests is essential when facing DUI charges.

This article will explore the field sobriety tests commonly used in Nevada, the steps involved in their administration, and potential methods for contesting their validity. If you believe errors were made during the field sobriety testing or breath test, it could provide a solid defense against DUI charges.

What are Field Sobriety Tests (FST)?

Field sobriety tests are physical and mental exercises to assess a driver’s ability to follow instructions, balance, and coordination. In Nevada, officers may request that suspects complete a diverse array of field sobriety tests (FSTs), such as walking heel-to-toe, standing on one leg, and following a pen with their eyes. These tests are designed to detect clues of impairment, such as jerking of the eyes or difficulty with balance. However, factors like fatigue, distractions from spectators, or other reasons unrelated to alcohol consumption can affect performance. In addition, the presence of warrants or previous arrests may influence the officer’s attention and approach. It’s important to understand that nothing in these tests is foolproof, and many factors could lead to inaccurate results. The number of clues observed during the test and the officer’s interpretation play a significant role in determining the outcome.

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) Test

This examination involves using one’s eyes to track a stimulus, such as a pen or flashlight. Officers search for indications of involuntary eye movement, which may suggest impairment.

Walking and Turning Test

The driver must walk straight from heel to toe, turn around, and walk back. Officers look for indications of imbalance or difficulty completing the task.

One-Leg Balance Test

The driver is required to balance on one leg for a specified duration, usually 30 seconds. Officers are looking for indications of swaying, leaping, or using arms for balance.

Common Problems with Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests are not always dependable, and numerous variables can influence an individual’s performance. These factors include the clothing a person wears, such as shoes that may affect balance, and the test setting, including lighting conditions that could hinder the accuracy of police officers’ observations. Fatigue, anxiety, or other distractions can also impact a person’s ability to perform the test correctly. Additionally, the officer’s interpretation of the test, such as observing an object or line, plays a significant role in the outcome. In some cases, a warrant may be issued for further testing, and following the proper steps during the test could raise questions about its validity. Research into these factors and the proper order of testing can provide insight into how these tests may be challenged. Consulting a DUI lawyer can help explore ways to contest the results.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, including neurological disorders, inner ear difficulties, or leg injuries, may impair the performance of the tests. For instance, a sober individual may encounter difficulty with the walk-and-turn test due to a knee injury.

Weather and Environmental Conditions

Poor weather conditions, uneven road surfaces, or bright lights can impact the experiments’ performance. For example, an individual may lose equilibrium due to high winds or slippery roads, regardless of their level of intoxication.


Being pulled over by the police can be distressing and impact an individual’s performance on field sobriety tests. This is particularly true if the driver is experiencing anxiety, as it can result in errors that may be misinterpreted as indicators of impairment.

Improper Administration of the Tests

Officers must administer field sobriety tests by specific protocols. The results may be invalid if an officer fails to adhere to the appropriate procedures. For instance, the results may be inaccurate if the officer fails to provide precise instructions or ensure the driver has sufficient space to conduct the tests.

Officer Bias

In certain instances, an officer’s personal biases or assumptions regarding a driver’s impairment may influence the administration and interpretation of the tests. If the officer is excessively preoccupied with the potential for impairment, normal behavior may be misinterpreted as an indicator of intoxication.

A person doing a DUI Field Sobriety Test in Las Vegas, Nevada
Suspect doing a DUI Field Sobriety Test in Las Vegas, Nevada

Methods for Contesting a DUI Field Sobriety Test in Nevada

In Nevada, if you are being charged with DUI and the evidence against you includes the results of a field sobriety test, your attorney has the option to contest the validity of the test as follows: First, your attorney may challenge how the test was administered, ensuring that every step was followed according to protocol. If the police officers failed to follow the correct procedure, this could provide grounds to dispute the results. Studies show that various factors, such as fatigue or distractions, can affect test performance, which could be used to argue that the results are unreliable. The Lipp Law LLC team can review the number of clues the officer observed and any possible biases that influenced their interpretation. In any way, your attorney will work to defend you and ensure a fair outcome.

Inquiring about the Officer’s Training and Experience

A trained officer who adheres to standardized procedures must conduct field sobriety tests. The officer’s qualifications and training may be contested by your attorney, who may query whether they were adequately trained to administer the tests.

Analyzing the Conditions of the Test

Your attorney may investigate the circumstances concerning the test. Were the meteorological conditions unfavorable? Was the location where the exam was administered both safe and appropriate for the execution of the exercises? The results could be contested if any environmental factors influenced your performance.

Highlighting Medical Conditions or Physical Limitations

Your attorney may introduce this information as evidence in court if you have a medical condition or physical limitation that could have impacted your performance on the field sobriety test. For instance, the walk-and-turn or one-leg stand tests may have been challenging for you due to a knee injury or a condition that impairs your equilibrium.

Challenge the Officer’s Observations

Field sobriety tests are subjective, and officers frequently form their opinions regarding a driver’s performance. The officer’s interpretation of your actions can be contested by your attorney, who will argue that the signs of impairment that the officer observed could have resulted from other factors, such as anxiety or a medical condition.

Inquiring about the Tests’ Accuracy

Field sobriety tests are only sometimes reliable indicators of impairment. Your attorney may contend in court that the tests are unreliable and should not be the solitary basis for a DUI conviction.

Understanding Officer Procedure and Protocol

In Nevada, law enforcement officers adhere to specific procedures and protocols to guarantee that the DUI process is equitable and legal when someone is suspected of DUI. These steps are in place to ensure that the driver’s rights are upheld and that no grounds for unfair treatment exist. For example, police officers must follow the correct procedure when administering field sobriety tests and ensure that all actions are documented. If the process is not followed correctly, it could provide a basis for challenging the DUI charges. DUI attorneys often use these grounds to defend their clients, exploring how the law may have been violated during the arrest or testing process. Understanding the protocols and ensuring they are followed is crucial in defending against DUI charges.

Initial Stop

Police officers must have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop a motorist, such as traffic violations or erratic driving.

Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs)

If impairment is suspected, officers may apply FSTs, such as the walk-and-turn or one-leg stand-the-test. These must be executed in accordance with established protocols to guarantee precision.

Breathalyzer or Blood Test

If field sobriety tests (FSTs) indicate impairment, the officer may request a breath or blood test to verify the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Miranda Rights

In the event of an arrest, the officer must recite the driver’s Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent and contact an attorney.

Comprehending these procedures, essential for drivers and defense attorneys, will ensure that a DUI case is managed appropriately and that rights are protected. 

Understanding Challenging a Nevada DUI Field Sobriety Test at Lipp Law LLC
Breathalyzer for DUI Field Sobriety Test in Las Vegas, Nevada


Despite the complexity of the procedure, it is possible to challenge a Nevada DUI field sobriety test. Factors like lack of proper guidelines, distractions, or deviations in the testing process can affect the results. Issues such as improper directions, roadside movements, or failure to follow standard procedures may influence the outcome. Field sobriety tests must be conducted according to strict guidelines; any deviation could lead to inaccurate results. A DUI arrest can result in severe penalties, including jail time, making it crucial to have experienced representation on your behalf.

If you have been arrested for DUI in Nevada, it is essential to seek the advice of an experienced DUI defense lawyer. They can investigate the testing process, including the accuracy of the pen test and trial procedures, and challenge the validity of the testing, arrest, and penalties, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I believe the field sobriety test was unjust or inaccurate?

It is imperative to promptly consult with a DUI defense attorney if you think that the field sobriety test was unjust or inaccurate. Your attorney can examine the test’s circumstances, assess potential errors or biases, and devise a strategy to contest the test results in court. The sooner you obtain legal assistance, the greater your likelihood of constructing an effective defense.

Is it possible to contest a DUI allegation in Nevada without contesting the field sobriety test?

Indeed, it is feasible to contest a DUI allegation in Nevada without contesting the field sobriety test. Other defense strategies include contesting the legality of the traffic stop, disputing the accuracy of a breathalyzer or blood test, or presenting evidence that indicates you were not intoxicated at the time of the arrest. Your attorney will evaluate all available evidence to ascertain your case’s most effective defense strategy.

Can the results of a field sobriety test be used as evidence in a Nevada DUI case?

Indeed, the results of a field sobriety test can be used as evidence in a DUI case. Nevertheless, they are not the sole form of substantiation. Witness testimony, breathalyzer or blood test results, and other factors may also be considered. If the field sobriety test results are effectively challenged, the prosecution’s case may be weakened, and the probability of a conviction may be reduced.

What if the officer neglected to capture the field sobriety test on video?

Controlling the test results may be more challenging if the officer fails to video record the field sobriety test. Nevertheless, it is still feasible to contend that the officer’s observations were inaccurate or that external factors influenced his performance. The officer’s handling of the situation may be called into doubt due to the absence of video footage, which could be advantageous in court.

Is it possible for an attorney to contend that the field sobriety test results are invalid due to alcohol tolerance?

Indeed, an attorney may contend that an individual’s performance on a field sobriety test may be influenced by alcohol tolerance or other factors, such as body weight, age, or gender. For instance, while both individuals may have consumed the same quantity of alcohol, an individual with a higher tolerance for alcohol may not display the same symptoms of impairment as an individual with a lower tolerance. The veracity of the test results can be contested using this argument.

Is it permissible for me to take a field sobriety test in Nevada?

In Nevada, declining to submit to a field sobriety test is permissible. Nevertheless, refusal may lead to your arrest for DUI by the officer, and it could be used against you in court. Although a refusal to submit to the test does not necessarily result in a conviction, it can increase suspicion and complicate the defense against the DUI charge. Before reaching a decision, it is crucial to consider the repercussions of refusal.

What distinguishes a breathalyzer test from a field sobriety test?

A breathalyzer test measures the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a breath sample. In contrast, a field sobriety test is a series of physical and mental exercises performed at the site of the traffic stop to assess impairment. Breathalyzer tests are more objective and yield a quantitative result, whereas field sobriety tests are subjective and rely on the officer’s observations. Both types of tests are subject to challenge in court; however, they serve distinct purposes in DUI investigations.

Is it possible to contest the outcome of a field sobriety test, even if I fail it?

Indeed, there are numerous methods to contest the results of a field sobriety test, even if you have failed it. The circumstances of the test, the officer’s conduct, and any external factors that may have influenced your performance can be analyzed by your attorney. The objective is to demonstrate that the results were not reliable or accurate, which could diminish the test’s influence on your case.

What is the “standardized” field sobriety test?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has investigated and verified a collection of three field sobriety tests referred to as the “standardized” field sobriety test. The measures included include the Walk-and-Turn test, the One-Leg Stand test, and the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test. They are intended to be explicitly administered to ensure that the results are consistent and dependable. The test results may be challenged if the officer deviates from the standardized method.

Is it possible for alcohol or substances other than alcohol to affect the results of a field sobriety test?

Yes, the results of a field sobriety test can be impacted by the use of drugs, prescription medications, or even over-the-counter medications, which can impair cognitive function, coordination, and balance. Depending on the specifics of your case, it may still be feasible to contest the test results if you were under the influence of a substance other than alcohol.

Challenging a Nevada DUI Field Sobriety Test with Lipp Law LLC

We acknowledge the critical role field sobriety tests play in DUI cases and the potential for inaccuracies in their administration at Lipp Law LLC Office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Various factors, including medical conditions, weather, or improper procedures by the officer, can influence these tests, frequently employed by law enforcement in Nevada. Our seasoned attorneys are committed to guaranteeing that your rights are safeguarded and that any field sobriety test administered to you was conducted fairly and legally.

It is imperative to act promptly if you have been accused of DUI. Our DUI Attorney will comprehensively analyze your case’s facts, contest any deficiencies in the field sobriety test, and advocate for excluding evidence obtained illegitimately. Contact Lipp Law LLC Law Firm today to schedule a complimentary consultation to explore how we can assist you in navigating this intricate legal process and strive to achieve the most favorable outcome for your case.